GEMA DIGITAL Francisco Machado Portugal, Porto
- Offer Immersive solutions on the Health sector
InMotion Joana Pinto Portugal, Lisboa
- Request Inicial Investment/Financing
Faculdade Medicina Porto Rosa Vilares Portugal, Porto
- Idea Integrative Nutrition
LOBA Catarina Pereira Portugal, Oliveira de Azeméis
- Offer Partnership on projects
CoolTec, Lda Vítor Lopes dos Santos Portugal, Santa Maria da Feira
- Idea CoolTec
BRIGHT Marta Leal Portugal, Porto
- Request Funding and Investment
- Offer Development of Health Information Tools
OG Medical João Rodrigues Portugal, Porto
- Offer Telemedicine
AntiBioCoat/i3S Fabíola Costa Portugal, Porto
- Offer & Request Bacteria repellent biopolymer coating
AntiBioCoat/I3S Rita Mota Portugal, Porto
- Offer & Request Bacterial repellent biopolymer coating
LabToMarket David Magboule Portugal, Lisboa
- Offer Consultancy: Technology Transfer, Business Strategy, Internationalisation and Access to Funding
HLTSYS- HealthySystems, Lda Isabel Alexandra Cruz Portugal, Porto
- Offer Data Protection - Monitoring - Integration - Secured Web Authentications
- Request National and International collaboration (TTP)
- Offer Healthcare Productivity indicators for better management
Creative Lab for Health Literacy - U. Porto Hernâni Oliveira Portugal, Porto
- Offer Research and Implementation Consulting
Hovione Capital Goncalo Andrade Portugal, Lisbon
- Offer Seed Investment
BasePoint Consulting Services Company David Costa Portugal, Coimbra
- Offer Consulting Services for Cosmetics, Medical Devices, Food Supplements, Biocides, REACH & CLP
GlycoDiagnostic/i3S Filipe Pinto Portugal, Porto
- Offer Cancer diagnostic tool development.
- Request Diagnostic tool investment
GlycoDiagnostic/i3S Diana Campos Portugal, Porto
- Offer Cancer diagnostic tool development
- Request Diagnostic tool investment
Arqtech Vitor Vinhais Portugal, Pinheiro da Bemposta
- Idea Biomarkers
Coimbra Genomics Company Bruno Soares Portugal, Cantanhede
- Offer & Request Healthcare and Genetic lab commercial partners
Sensing Future Technologies Luís Ferreira Portugal, Coimbra
- Offer Pressure Sensors to Healthcare applications
- Offer Medical device to rehabilitation based in VisualFeedback
- Offer & Request Expertise in Hardware and Software development to H2020 Health Projects
CINTESIS André Luis C Ramalho Portugal, Porto
Bilateral Talks
- Participants68
- Meetings Requested161
- Meetings Accepted124
Portugal 66
Spain 3
United Kingdom 1
- Total of Participants70
Profile views
- Before Event2331
- After Event105672