Joana Pinto
Project Manager
Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday (10:00 - 12:30)
- Wednesday (14:00 - 16:30)
DescriptionConcerning the medical speciality of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, our team noticed the lack of motivation among patients during the conventional physiotherapy sessions. As so, InMotion comes up with an innovative solution that joins the gamification concept and the digital capability to provide better monitoring and feedback for the physician.
The project is aimed to result in better quality of the health care provided, since there is scientific evidence that highly motivated patients can achieve better outcomes faster and more efficiently in the rehabilitation process; as for the scope of the doctors, this will be a new user-friendly and reliable tool to follow their patients progression through a quantitative objective way.
The project hence incorporates four major strongly interconnected components: are those the patient, the healthcare professional, the physiotherapeutic game, and the interface for the healthcare professional, having a database that saves the data collected during the game and delivers it to the interface.
The physiotherapeutic game is developed in Unity and the patient movement is recorded with the Kinect motion sensor.
The team will be presenting our scientific paper about InMotion in the 6th International Conference of Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH’18), in Vienna.
InMotion is an ongoing project, having a recent collaboration with Academia CUF, and the enterprise is expected to be registered and officially to become a startup within 1-2 months. The development of the project has been conducted in JUNITEC (the junior enterprise of Instituto Superior Técnico) and run by a team of 5 students from different engineering fields.
Organization Type
University / R&D Institution,
Inicial Investment/Financing
We aim at officially becoming a startup within the next 1-2 months, for which we seek for the inicial stage Investment/Financing.