Preliminary Agenda
New Research and Innovation Agendas for the Health of the Future
4 April 2018, Porto - Hard Club - Mercado Ferreira Borges
08h45 |
Receção dos participantes (Conferência e B2B) – disponível durante todo o dia Registration (Conference and B2B) – open throughout the day |
09h30 |
Apresentação "10 anos de Health Cluster Portugal" Welcome address and Presentation "10anos de Health Cluster Portugal" |
Joaquim Cunha | Executive Director, Health Cluster Portugal Diretor Executivo Health Cluster Portugal
09h40 |
Sessão "Medicina de Precisão & Saúde Digital" Discussion Panel: Precision Medicine and Digital Health |
Keynote address:
- Luis Lasalvia | Vice-President & Global Medical Officer, Siemens Healthineers
Flash presentations:
- Ana Teresa Freitas | CEO, HeartGenetics
- André Eiras dos Santos | COO, SWORD Health
- Fátima Carneiro | Professora, FMUP; Researcher, Ipatimup/I3S; Coordination Team Member, Project DOCnet
- José Pedro Almeida | Director of Business Intelligence and Data Science, Centro Hospitalar de São João
10h00 | B2B Bilateral Meetings (in parallel) |
10h25 |
Sessão "Terapias Avançadas & Novas Vacinas"
Discussion Panel "Advanced Therapies & New Vaccines"
Keynote address:
- Barry Davies | Director of Clinical and Translational Scientific Alliances, AstraZeneca
Flash presentations:
- António Mendes | Researcher, iMM
- Olga Borges | Researcher, CNC
- Paula Alves | CEO, iBET
- Rui Amandi de Sousa | CEO, Stemmatters
11h10 |
Networking Coffee Break & Visita ao "Mercado de Inovação Aberta em Saúde"
Networking Coffee Break & Visit to the “Health Open Innovation Market”
11h45 |
Discussion Panel "Nanomedicine Bioelectronics"
Keynote address:
- Phil L'Huillier | Head of European Innovation Hub, MSD
Flash presentations:
- Bruno Sarmento | Researcher, INEB/I3S
- Helena Florindo | Researcher, FFULisboa
- Paulina Piairo | Researcher, INL
- Vera Moura | CEO, Treat U (Bluepharma)
12h30 |
Solemn Opening Session
- Rui Moreira | President, Câmara Municipal do Porto
- Salvador de Mello | President, Health Cluster Portugal
- Carlos Moedas | European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation
13h00 |
Almoço & Visita ao "Mercado de Inovação Aberta em Saúde"
Lunch & Visit to the “Health Open Innovation Market”
12h30 | 14h00 Lunch Break B2B |
14:00 | B2B Bilateral meetings (cont. in parallel) |
14h30 |
Mesa redonda "Agenda de Investigação & Inovação em Saúde, Investigação Clínica e de Translação
Roundtable “Research and Innovation Agenda on Health and Translational and Clinical Research”
[in collaboration with FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia]
- Luís Soares | Diretor of Strategy, Health Cluster Portugal
- Paulo Ferrão | President, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
- Alexandra Alves | Coordinator of the Clinical Research Working Group, APORMED
- Cláudia Furtado | Director of Strategic Planning, Infarmed
- Filipe Assoreira | President, P-Bio
- José Antunes | Coordinator of the Clinical Research Working Group, APIFARMA
- Micaela Monteiro | Diretora do Centro Nacional de Director of the Telehealth National Centre, SPMS
16h20: Signing of a Collaboration Protocol between Health Cluster Portugal and Agência Nacional de Inovação / EEN - Enterprise Europe Network
16h30 | Closing B2B Bilateral Meetings |
16h30 |
Closing session
- Manuel Heitor | Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education
- SciPort Live | Open Innovation Spot | Meet the Startups | Incubators, Accelerators & VCs
Bilateral Talks
- Participants68
- Meetings Requested161
- Meetings Accepted124
Portugal 66
Spain 3
United Kingdom 1
- Total of Participants70
Profile views
- Before Event2331
- After Event107432