Ordem de São Francisco do Porto Sandra Mouta Portugal, Porto
- Offer End-user institution
Santos & Ferreira Saúde Lda Hugo Miguel Nunes Santos Portugal, Ouca
- Offer Sales/Distribution
Seamlink, Lda Hugo Ravara Portugal, Coimbra
- Offer Patient communication solution
Sensing Future Technologies Luís Ferreira Portugal, Coimbra
- Offer Pressure Sensors to Healthcare applications
- Offer Medical device to rehabilitation based in VisualFeedback
- Offer & Request Expertise in Hardware and Software development to H2020 Health Projects
Serfarma Company Cristina Silva Portugal, Coimbra
- Request Partners, clients and investors for the MEDimprove project
Smart Governance by CAVEDIGITAL João Costa Portugal, Lisbon
- Offer & Request Product
- Offer Partnership
Startup Braga Alexandre Mendes Portugal, Braga
- Offer & Request Accelerating digital health startups
SURGEONMATE Nuno Muralha Portugal, Porto
- Offer Product
- Offer Equity
Tonic App S.A. Daniela Seixas Portugal, Porto
- Request Investment / Sales
Universidade de Aveiro Daniel Polónia Portugal, Aveiro
- Offer Innovation in Healthcare
- Request Project Partner to Participate in Innovation in Healthcare Interreg Project
- Request Research on Innovation Management Systems
Bilateral Talks
- Participants68
- Meetings Requested161
- Meetings Accepted124
Portugal 66
Spain 3
United Kingdom 1
- Total of Participants70
Profile views
- Before Event2331
- After Event107517