Health Innovation Market - Portugal 2018

REGISTER until 30 MARCH!    (Extended Deadline)
The Portuguese National Innovation Agency (ANI), in collaboration with CEC – Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Centro , and with the support of the Enterprise Europe Network and the Health Cluster Portugal are promoting a new matchmaking event to be held in Porto, on April 4th 2018. 
The event will take place in the framework of the Portuguese Health Clusters’s Innovation Conference “New Research and Innovation Agendas for the Health of the future" which will bring together around 250 representatives from research and industry health sectors, government authorities from Portugal and stakeholders from other European countries.


Participants will have the opportunity to meet bilaterally in pre-arranged 30 minutes talks in order to:

  • identify potential partners for R&D projects and technology transfer 
  • explore opportunities to expand business and to commercialise new products
  • exchange best practices and knowledge on innovative healthcare services, policy and funding models and instruments.
Participants will also have the opportunity to attend to the main conference that will take place alongside to the B2B, providing a larger and dynamic forum for networking. 


  • Precision Medicine and Digital Health
  • Advanced Therapies & New Vaccines
  • Nanomedicine and Bioelectronics
  • The Portuguese Research and Innovation Agenda on Health, Clinical and Translational Research
Register for the B2B by clicking on the “REGISTER” button on the upper right hand side of this webpage.
IMPORTANT! - Participation at the main Conference and B2B is free of charge, but registration at both events is mandatory!
To register for the Conference: 

To register for the Conference and to find detailed information about the programme, please visit:

Please note that the registration in the B2B event does not guarantee immediate access to the conference as places are limited to the capacity of the conference room.


  • 09:20h - Registration (ongoing through the day)
  • 10:00 – 12:30 - Bilateral Meetings
  • 13:00 – 14:00 - Lunch break
  • 14:00 – 16:30 - Bilateral Meetings


  • Registration - until 30 March (extended deadline!)
    Register and submit your cooperation profiles with the description of your offers, requests and/or project ideas. Profiles are published online.
  • Request meetings –  19 March to 2nd April
    Participants can select interesting cooperation profiles from the catalogue and request meetings, or if invited, you can accept/reject the meetings.
  • Brokerage Event – 4 April


Hard Club - Centro de Animação Cultural
Mercado Ferreira Borges
Praça do Infante, 95
4050-252 PORTO
The B2B organised by ANI / EEN-PORTUGAL is free of charge. 

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants68
  • Meetings Requested161
  • Meetings Accepted124


Profile views

  • Before Event2331
  • After Event107432


  • ani.jpg
  • een_i_europian.PNG


  • CEC.jpg
  • healt_cluster.png


City, 4050-211 Porto, Portugal