
Bárbara Macedo

Project Manager

Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday (10:00 - 12:30)
  • Wednesday (14:00 - 16:30)
DescriptionNORTEXCEL is a not for profit association created to host the new Centre of Excellence on medical technologies in the Norte region of Portugal.We are looking for innovative solution on the areas of Cancer, Cardio and Care. We are looking for high-level researchers, innovation organizations, advanced users and companies that want to be part of this initiative. 
Organization Type Other
Offer & Request

Looking for researchers, innovation organizations and companies to collaborate with NORTEXCEL

We offer a singular model of ‘innovation with a purpose’ in a centre of excellence with 3 main cross cutting R&D+I groups on cancer, cardio and care, gathering high level knowledge in advanced materials, medical technologies and ICT.
NORTEXCEL already mobilized close to 20 members from high-level research & innovation organizations, advanced users and companies that will contribute to this initiative - we are looking for more.

Keywords: InnovationMed TechCardioCareCancerAdvanced MaterialsICT
Cooperation Offered
  1. Outsourcing co-operation
  2. Technical co-operation
Cooperation Requested
  1. Outsourcing co-operation
  2. Technical co-operation
Offer & Request

We are looking for innovative solutions on the areas of Cancer, Cardio and Care.

We offer a singular model of ‘innovation with a purpose’ in a centre of excellence with 3 main cross cutting R&D+I groups on cancer, cardio and care, gathering high level knowledge in advanced materials, medical technologies and ICT.
NORTEXCEL already mobilized close to 20 members from high-level research & innovation organizations, advanced users and companies that will contribute to this initiative - we are looking for more.

Keywords: InnovationMedTechCareCardioCancerAdvanced MaterialsICT
Cooperation Offered
  1. Technical co-operation
  2. Outsourcing co-operation
Cooperation Requested
  1. Technical co-operation
  2. Outsourcing co-operation