Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday (10:00 - 12:30)
- Wednesday (14:00 - 16:30)
ICT expertise with various application within Health Sector
Within the health domain CCGs know-how and proven track experience, allows us to offer expertise in different fields.
In health and active ageing CCG is strong in conceiving interoperable systems, data and predictive analysis and automated decision making, supporting faster and more accurate flow of information in hospitals and other medical institutions.
CCG has also proven expertise in the domain of perception and human factors, transversal to any field of activity. The work developed focus on the research of design thinking and conception of audio-visual immersive environments, Human Machine Interaction studies, 3D modelling, visual and perceptive studies.
Also, within the health domain, CCG, is able to extract several characteristics from image and video files, and automatically detect patterns and other relevant information. Moreover, CCG has also the capabilities of extract biometric information from image and video analysis, even considering low quality and rendering, thus allowing biometric recognition.
Moreover, with the use of Avatar technology, Real Time Natural User Friendly Interaction customized for a familiar appearance - Specially interesting for AAL scenarios and interaction for non-technological proficiency persons.
This possibility to develop avatar, similar in appearance to known persons, or any known character, enables the user, being a child or elderly to feel more comfortable and more prone to interaction. These avatars are able to communicate in a natural way, speaking several languages and making use of face expressions to show emotions. They can be integrated with a voice recognition module, therefore allowing a more natural interaction between system and user.