Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday (10:00 - 12:30)
- Wednesday (14:00 - 16:30)

DescriptionWe are a Portuguese law firm with almost 70 years of experience. With offices in 14 countries, including a strong foothold in Latin America, CCA ONTIER has a privileged position at the international stage which is particulary relevant at the time of investment an internationalization. Aditionally, we are a law firm that combines a solid structure with an innovative thinking.
Organization Type

Network with VC and BA. Investment rising and internationalization
In 2015 we established a team focused in enterpreuneurship. The Startinnovation Team - a multidisciplinary team with lawyers from several areas responsible for accompanying the enterpreneurs in the safe implementation and development of their business.

Legal Advice and Partnerships
Main areas: Data Protection & Privacy, Intelectual Property, Investment rising and Internationalization; Corporate and Commercial; Labour; TMT - Technology, Media and Telecommunications; Tax.
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation